• info@truliyo.com
Ads Management

Facebook Ads Management

Fuel traffic and exponentially grow Your online business with our 3-month Facebook Ads Management Service.

5+ Years of

Over $3M in

10 000+ Campaigns

This is Why You Need Facebook Ads Management Services

Facebook Ads present the fastest way to quickly scale an ecommerce business. With the proper ads strategy, You can reach quickly reach Your target audience and scale Your store above 7 figures within a year.

On the other hand, Facebook Ads are very difficult to learn and can quickly become overwhelming. You might not know which targeting options to use, which creatives work the best for Your audience, what budget to choose etc.

You can avoid costly mistakes and burning through Your adspend by working with our team of Facebook Ads experts who have dedicated their life to leveraging Facebook Ads.

We have a solid track record of scaling ecommerce brands using Facebook and Instagram Ads only. Our strategic and data-based approach to Facebook Ads is guaranteed to make Your product go so viral so that buyers will be begging to buy.


Industry leading creatives fosters Ads Management.

Did You know that when we originally started, Truliyo was a creative agency?

This is why we have a reputation of providing our clients with the best creatives money can buy. We can arrange studio-level creative shoots and user generated content anywhere in the world so You can focus on the things that matter.


A/B Testing

Studio Shoots

How is Truliyo Different from Other ADs Management Agencies?

By focusing our efforts on Facebook and Instagram Ads, we have been able to become the best at what we do. Using just Facebook and Instagram Ads, We have successfully scaled multiple ecommerce brands.

After years of practice, millions in adspend and thousands of AD creatives tested, we have learned the blueprint of succesfully scaling an ecommerce brand using Facebook Ads. We have the data and skillset necessary to take Your business to the next level.

Other Ad agencies will assign Your account with multiple people (e.g. a copywriter, project manager, strategy creation). You are treated like a number and the results will not be great. You will receive copy-paste strategies that are used for every client and You will most likely not see any fantastic results. Your account manager will be working for multiple brands at the same time and they will most likely not have time to study Your business at a deeper level and truly understand Your target audience.

We, however, will only provide You with one account manager who works exclusively with Your brand only. This will allow us to provide You with our full attention and You don’t have to worry about Your account manager being occupied with multiple other businesses at the same time. You get to know everything about Your customer, your competitors, your products etc. Our account manager will seamlessly integrate Your team and become an extension of Your business’s

During our collaboration, You’ll receive detailed weekly strategic reports and actions based on data, so management can be fully aware of the progress we make.

Ads Management

Facebook AD Agency Pricing

We provide Ads Management only for handpicked businesses in which we see high potential for long-term growth. We have a very strict vetting procedure which must be met. This ensures we only work with companies that we truly believe in.

Facebook AD-s Campaign Management Pricing

For our 3-month ads management plan, we charge a total fee of $7000 (excluding $3000 adspend). Payment must be made upfront, at the beginning of each month. ($2500 at the beginning of the first month).

Your total cost for 3 months = $10 000


Your business is currently generating at least Rs. 1,00,00,000 of monthly revenue

You must be willing to spend at least 8Lac to 10Lac per month on adspend.

You understand the importance of investing, data gathering and You are ready for rapid scaling.

Please only contact us if You meet all of the requirements.

Ads Management

3 Month Ads Strategy

Our ads strategy consists of a 3-month plan during which we will do day-to-day optimisation and work towards scaling Your business. At the end of the third month, we can typically expect to generate a ROAS of 3-10x. You’ll receive detailed weekly strategic reports and actions based on data, so management can be fully aware of the progress we make.

Discovery Call & Onboarding

During the discovery call, we will analyze Your business and present You with our proposal. Inside the proposal, You will find a concrete plan of collaboration and the steps we must take in order to successfully scale Your business. If necessary, we will also provide You with content creation and website optimisation. If You are happy with our proposal, we will send You the marketing contract and You must pay the setup fee. 

1 Month of Testing

Once the setup fee has been paid for, we will assign You with one account manager who will integrate Your team and be in charge of Your ads. We will first start with a one month testing period, during which we will test multiple audiences, ad formats as well as creatives. This will allow us to be cost efficient and also learn about Your offer and target audience. During the first and second month, we do not expect to be necessarily be profitable. We are just testing out what works for Your business.

2 Months of Rapid Scaling

During the second month, we will begin optimise the campaigns and cut out any campaigns and adsets which do not have long-term potential. At the end of the second month, we will have found Your winning adsets and we can begin scaling Your ad campaigns. During the third month, we will scale Your ad campaigns and increase Your ROAS exponentially. 

Long term partnership

If both parties are happy with the results, we can automatically extend the agreement and even talk about an equity-based partnership.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about the Ads Management.
Contact us if you didn’t find an answer to your question.

If necessary, Yes. Often times, before we can start running profitable ad campaigns, we first need to optimise Your website ascreative content. This will allow us to increase Your conversion rate and be more cost-efficient down the line.

Your business must generate at least $5000 of monthly revenue, You are willing to spend at least $1000 per month on adspend, You understand the importance of investing and are ready for fast tempo testing & scaling .

The fastest way to contact Adsellr support is through our help desk or by sending us an email at info@truliyo.com. Our support is active every day during regular business hours (MON-FRI 9 AM – 5PM UTC). Typically, we will send You a reply within 15 minutes.